
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sementara ak bpeluang leh surf intrnet ne, ak lesaikn le ape2 yg trkndas b4 ne. Ne ku dpt award..
*d sisterhood award*

The RuLes

* Place the award logo in your blog
* Nominate 10 other blog which show "Attitude and Gratitude"
* Link to the nominees on your blog post
* Comment on their blog that u have nominated them
* Share the love and link to the person who nominated you

Ak dpt award ne dr peAnut, kOko n k.Sue.. Tq 2 3 of u..
So, here  I want 2 award this 2 10 of my frend..
U c on my buddy list..at left side..
c yeah..

I hav no mOod since I've nOt settle down my laptOp prob yet..

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