.::I've got msg from Dr Jamilah::.  

Monday, March 30, 2009

I've got msg from Dr Jamilah at lect hall diz mOrnin 
she waNts 2 meet a few students, 7 I guess
7 out of 50 sth stdnts..
n thoz students include me

wut she wants from me
4 sure it's regardin my project paper
n thoz students also include best n dekan student, Charis n Mozac
Also, Waad, Zul, Suriani n Hajar...
I thought my project paper iz not so good like them
then, y Dr Jamilah stil want 2 see me??

Ak takott nk jmpe Dr Jamy
She had taught me when I 1st year 4 1 sem
n every her class tutorial, tgnku msti seram sejuk
bdebar n tkut je at that tyme
smpaikn ade my coursemate cried in her class
although my hand so cold n feel like 2 cry,
but 4 me
d way she teach iz brkesan 4 me... 

n, back 2 msg that I've got
I hope it iz good news.. 
I'll see her next Friday
at 10 am at her room...
God, pliz bless me...

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