I'm aFraid
Monday, January 19, 2009
Arggh..i'm so aFraid.
Thinking of mY prOject papEr will tense me a lot.
EnvirOnmenTal facTors respOnsible for KelaNtan studEnt's relUctance to spEak EnglisH
That is mY tOpic. Actually this tOpic is not comE out frOm my own. A bit samE with my 'original' tOpic. But then after underGo 'ediTing' (huhuhu), the tOpic bcOmes like abOve...
Hmm I still havE no idEa to procEed it. Til now I don'T know how 2 carry on my tOpic..arggh still blurr..
I've meT my supervisOr, Mr Lin Luck Kee 2day n he apprOved my propOsal. He askEd me 2 do questiOnnaire. But how can I cOnstruct the quEstions if I stiLL blurr..dOn't know how I'm goiNg 2 do the quesTionnarE. Aiyaa..
hOpefully I already have d idea n cOmplete d questiOnnaire aftEr I come back frOm hOliday.
But now I stiLL aFraid...
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